The Daily Grind Video
Bored girl (6-7) doing homework

Source: Daniel Grill / Getty

In America, we spend almost 14 mandatory years in school, and if we decide to pursue higher education, that’s an extra 4-15 years.

The hardest part about school is that it gets you while you’re young and your brain absorbs every ounce of informations it’s fed. The problem with that is we aren’t taught how to operate in the “real world” of bills, taxes and laws.



Don’t get me wrong, school is a very important part of life. Learning basic skills like reading and writing is of the utmost importance.

But what about the other skills we need in this life that we don’t get from the nearly two decades we spend in a classroom? Like how to build credit, or how to file taxes.

Musician Dave from Boyinaband breaks down some painful truths about our education system that’s also pretty funny.


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